Colorful Indian fennel mix candy


Package 100 g

Fennel is also used in curries, in Italian, Greek and Chinese cuisine to season mainly vegetable and fish dishes

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Colorful Indian fennel mix candy (whole)

In India, this sweet is served in small bowls after a meal.

The fennel is the only plant species of the genus Foeniculum within the umbelliferae family. It is a vegetable, spice and medicinal plant that is widespread all over the world today. Fennel seeds originally come from the Mediterranean region. Fennel seeds are the ripe seed capsules of the fennel. When growing, a distinction is made between fennel plants that are used for seed production and those that are to be harvested as vegetable tubers. Fennel seed is an important component of Asian spice mixtures. Before using, roast fennel seed in a dry pan until fragrant and then crush in a mortar. The fennel seeds – with their typical anise taste are ideal for baking bread or for seasoning mixtures. It is also processed a lot in the confectionery industry. The seeds are used for pickling gherkins or for fish sauces. Fennel is also used in curries, in Italian, Greek and Chinese cuisine to season mainly vegetable and fish dishes. It is also typical in Italy to season the grilled meat with fennel seeds. This gives the meat a delicate sweet note. In India, where the same Hindi word is used for aniseed and fennel, fennel seeds are commonly used to flavor fish curries and fried prawns. Fennel seeds are also ideal for making tea. Fennel seeds also play a role in natural medicine, they promote digestion, soothe the stomach and relieve flatulence. In Greek and Chinese cuisine, fennel is used to flavor mainly vegetable and fish dishes. It is also typical in Italy to season the grilled meat with fennel seeds. This gives the meat a delicate sweet note. In India, where the same Hindi word is used for aniseed and fennel, fennel seeds are commonly used to flavor fish curries and fried prawns. Fennel seeds are also ideal for making tea. Fennel seeds also play a role in natural medicine, they promote digestion, soothe the stomach and relieve flatulence. In Greek and Chinese cuisine, fennel is used to flavor mainly vegetable and fish dishes. It is also typical in Italy to season the grilled meat with fennel seeds. This gives the meat a delicate sweet note. In India, where the same Hindi word is used for aniseed and fennel, fennel seeds are commonly used to flavor fish curries and fried prawns. Fennel seeds are also ideal for making tea. Fennel seeds also play a role in natural medicine, they promote digestion, soothe the stomach and relieve flatulence. Fennel seeds are also ideal for making tea. Fennel seeds also play a role in natural medicine, they promote digestion, soothe the stomach and relieve flatulence. Fennel seeds are also ideal for making tea. Fennel seeds also play a role in natural medicine, they promote digestion, soothe the stomach and relieve flatulence. 


  • Fennel
  • Cardamom
  • Candied
  • Fennel Seeds

Article no.: 10383


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